Selling your home is stressful.
If you’ve ever done it, you’ll know that selling your home can be stressful, and time consuming. Your home is most likely your largest lifetime asset and you’ve only got one shot to make the most of it. Property styling will help you make the most of this opportunity.
What is Property Styling?
Property styling involves the repairs, improvements and certainly the designer staging to capture the hearts and minds of buyers. This series of blog posts will walk you step by step through the planning and preparation phases of selling.
Good planning helps you sell your home.
When planning to sell your home, you’ll need to get a lot of ducks in a row. It’s kind of why moving home is up there among life’s most stressful events. Planning will set you up to make the most of your sale, ensure that you are well informed and therefore less likely to be led or influenced by the multitude of opinions that will inevitably come your way.
Know why you are planning to sell. It may seem obvious but understanding your own motivation for selling gives you a framework for making decisions. There are a lot of reasons people sell a home:
» Upgrade to a better location or lifestyle
» Outgrown your home as the family expands
» Moving closer to family, the good school, the better job opportunity
» Downsizing an empty nest
» Dealing with a divorce or separation
» Property investing and upgrading to build wealth
» A hot market you want to capitalise on
» A declining market’s occurring and you want to get out now
» You’ve already had an offer accepted on your next house (woops!)
Financial necessity, changes in job status, business failures, other debt burdens, divorces and death are all unfortunate but very common reasons to sell your home.
If you are selling by choice, you have less pressure and greater opportunity to prepare your home for sale and maximise the return. When you are faced with selling because of financial necessity you’re at greatest risk of being pressured, cornered by timelines you don’t control and forced into accepting a less than ideal offer.
Either way, simply being aware of the reason for the property sale and deciding how much you want to let others in on the why of your sale, is best considered