If you are time poor, consider using a Vendor Advocate. They will generally charge you percentage of the sale price or other similar fee structure.
But be careful if they are taking a cut out of the Agent’s commission because it may compromise their impartiality. They are essentially there to keep the Agent honest.
Vendor advocates can also assist you to find an agent, which may help if you are selling a property interstate, but again watch out for any potential conflicts of interest by specifically asking if they get commissions or fees or any other reward for referring real estate agents.
It’s certainly not necessary to use one, but I’d advise it if your work or other commitments mean that you are likely to be out of town during the sale period.
You may also want to consider a Vendor Advocate in some circumstances of financial or time pressured sales or where the person selling the home may otherwise be considered vulnerable. This may assist if the person is aged or frail or without strong advocates working for them.
I’ve never personally worked with a Vendor Advocate but have heard good things about Ian Reid Vendor Advocacy here in Melbourne.