Property Styling Sandringham
While we aren’t able to show the final professional photos of this property we still thought that it was worth showing you one of my favourite projects from last year. In this project in a premium Bayside suburb of Melbourne, the owners (a young family) were using key downstairs living rooms as bedrooms and nursery rooms for small children, rather than separating the children to upstairs more remote bedrooms.
Super practical for family life, but when selling a premium heritage home it was a confusing presentation for potential buyers. We provide some partial property styling assistance by adding living room furniture to ‘nursery’ downstairs, dressing disused upstairs bedrooms and study areas and we also supplied Fine Art pieces.
The Fine Art rental was required to ensure that the standard of presentation was elevated not least because of the high ceilings in the home but to ensure the first impressions were commensurate with the overall estimated value of the home.
Follow us on our social media channels to keep up to date with our latest projects in property styling across premium suburbs like Sandringham and other Bayside suburbs of Melbourne.

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