If you are time poor, consider using a Vendor Advocate. They will generally charge you percentage of the sale price or other similar fee structure. But be careful if they...
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Preparing your home for sale is often really stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Here is our quick guide on what to do to make the most of your...
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Classic rookie mistake. Are you trying to get ready for sale by organising and storing your belongings? #konmarifail Always sort before you organise. Sorting and decluttering always comes before dealing...
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Depersonalise your home. Can You Take 'You' Out of Your Home? It's one of the most difficult and also critical things to do to prepare your home for sale. So...
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Staging your home for sale with designer furniture and accessories are the finishing touch you need, after all of your own hard work, cleaning and preparing your property for sale....
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CLAIM YOUR FREE CONSULTATION WORTH $440 How to Maintain your Home for Open for Inspections Your estate agent will have provided a schedule for home opens for inspection and depending...
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